Friday, April 23, 2010

ICTs in my Pre-service teaching school

After just completeing two weeks of Prac, I just thought I would comment on the ICTs in the school that I am in. I am in a private school and the resources are amazing. They have so much IT support, I think about 5 workers?
The roll marking systems are all computerised and they will tell you who is absent automatically as you sign in. All teachers have a small laptop that they can carry around with them and that are good for marking rolls in assembly.
Every classroom has a data projector, screen and computer which I didn't even notice at the start but as I thought about it, my high school only had a few classrooms with data projectors in them and we were always having to book the computer room even if the teacher wanted to show us something briefly. The teachers at my pre-service school use the data projector as a white board too, making PowerPoints then projecting them for students to copy.
They do have a computer room but every class also has around 15 laptops that the students can use if they need. So advanced!
Each teacher has a teacher log in access and there is everything!! Resources from past years, movies and clips are on a program called clickview. They even gave me a log in access so I can see how it all works. Every teacher also has a teacher ID card which allows you to photocopy. I also got one of these and one of the IT support team took my picture, and printed an ID card in three minutes!
This school has one interactive whiteboard but no where near my area so I won't get to use one. I am relieved but it would be nice to see it in action too!
Is everyone else's schools this efficient? I was very impressed by this school!


  1. Hi Courtney,

    My school is a state high school but alot of the ICTs you've mentioned are in use at there too. I've been very impressed with it really. Especially the use of computers for roll marking and as a sharing tool. My school using Learningplace as their platform for sharing information and they make an amazing use of the wikis there, even so far as to set up debates with them!

    I wrote a post about the use of ipods in my school too which might interest you if you want to have a look at it!

    How are you finding intergrating your ICTs in lesson planning? Does your MT have a good grasp of the extent that they can be used?


  2. Hi Courtney,
    Unfortunatley my school does not have anywhere near the resources you have, and the resources they do have are under-utilized due to the age of the computers and the slow download speeds. I have not seen an OHP anywhere in the school, and even though most classrooms have an interactive whiteboard, they have not been set up to access even basic sites such as google earth. The one classroom I get to teach in has the interactive whiteboard bolted to the wall, however its projector and speakers are missing! I can only hope that these are all teething issues and the system will be up and running successfully soon.

    I am glad you have shared your story so that I am reminded that not all schools are the same, and even though my school at the moment does not have access to these resources, I should continue to develop my skills in ICT's as they will no doubt be valuable in my future placements.

    Cathy Matheson
    GDLT Primary part time

  3. Isn't it amazing how different all schools are. You don't know what you are going to get.
    Chloe- I am doing Dance/Drama so I am having a lot of practical lessons lately but I am still finding ways to implement ICTs. The students respond very well to examples through clips which my MT uses and this works very well so I am trying to find more resources to show them to mix things up a bit! How are you going with implementing ICTs?
    Cathy- I wonder if Interactive Whiteboards are more common in Primary schools? What a great experience for you though! You will be prepared for anything now!

    Thanks for commenting!

  4. Hi Courtney,
    Your school sounds very advanced in their use of ICTs, which is wonderful. I start my prac Tomorrow and can't wait to see what the school has in the way of ICT use. Dance and Drama definitely could use ICTs - with clips as you said, and also with in class videography (you could video a small performance and analyse it with them working on things from an audience perspective). I am so excited to hear about what else you come up with. Dance and Drama are two passions of mine alongside music!

    Thanks for sharing,
    Toni Jordan

  5. Hi Courtney,
    I enjoyed reading your post as you have summed up some thoughts I have been having.
    My private school (with very well behaved children I might add) also has a computer, screen and projector in all of the classrooms I have seen.
    My teacher makes efficient use of this by having powerpoint slides prepared for most of the notes students need to take. I haven't seen anyone take a roll call so I am not sure how this works but it sounds like your school would be able to have a good understanding of where students are at any one time.

  6. Hi Courtney,
    Your school is so wounderful. In my school, there are interactive whiteboard in most of classroom. I also did flipchart file for interactive whiteboard use. But I cannot access internet resourse.

    Enjoy your Prac

    Kylie (Yi)
