Tuesday, April 6, 2010

PowerPoint activity- Martha Graham

The YouTube videos didn't transfer so I have included the links below.

To view the first video click here

and the second video click here

This is just a basic PowerPoint about Martha Graham. My Mentor teacher for my upcoming prac informed me that the year 11 students were doing a topic on Martha Graham which is where I got the insperation for this one.I felt I went a little overboard with quotes but there were just too many great ones that I couldn't pass on. I think it could be more exciting but I did add activities and videos to enhance the powerpoint. I tend to always make my format plain and basic but I think the animations and colours is what attracts the students (not too many though). I forgot how time consuming they were especially all the referencing too! I think they are very effective tool to summarise and it is always good to assist talks with a visual component.


  1. Hi Courtney, lots of good info on your PP presentation. Scot mentioned on a previous post how much better PP's are when there is music in the background. I haven't done mine yet so I'm not sure how hard the music bit is to do. Good luck anyway

    Michael Rhodes

  2. Hi Courtney,
    That was a great powerpoint and the videos really helped to break up the information with something else. I love the use of pictures. The quote on page 2 really put it into perspective for me because I spent some time studying Stravinsky. Its amazing how integrating knowledge can put things into place!
    The effects definitely take time to scatter through the powerpoint. I found it was very informative, thankyou!

    Toni Jordan
