Sunday, May 2, 2010

Flickr and Picnik

I have to admit that it took me a little while to get my head around these, even though they are not complicated I found that there wasn't many instructions and I didn't see the use until now that is...
I have discovered that Flickr is a photo uploader which organisers your photos, it is sort of like an online album! It reminded me of something similar to a social networking website, but only photos. After a week of fiddling around (yes, a week), I also found that it also is a site to FIND images as well, similar to Google Images. Although I found that there wasn't much of a range compared to Google Images.
Something I thought of immediately was that it could be used as a place for students to store and organise images for their assignments. These could be pictures from a range of sources or pictures that they have taken themselves.

Picnik was a little easier, it was similar to the Adobe Photoshop and I thought this could be useful for students for resizing images or editing them a little bit if needed. Here is a picture I found from someone's wedding:

(Image courtesy of Flickr, originally from

I have seen this effect done so many times in wedding pictures so I thought I would give it a go for myself using Picnik (I think it would work better with more colour in the flowers):

(Image courtesy of Flickr, originally from

Picnik was great fun and I can see how student's could use this free facility. It is a great way to edit your pictures and add a bit of life into them! There were alot of editing options to choose from!

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