Friday, April 2, 2010


Mahara! What an experience this week has been! Week 5 had me feeling much better about everything technology. I found connections with Maraha to the blogs and wikis and this made it easier for me to comprehend. I remember from Res School not understanding much about Mahara and how I would use it. But after carefully going through the videos and exploring it a bit more, I think I am getting the hang of it now. I now have realised that Mahara is everything down to a personal blog to a discussion board to a resume! It also has the facilities that a socializing network website does.

I can now see many uses for this within schooling as well for our own beneficial reasons. I can imagine making a view for each topic or for just the content for that week. I see similarities in the Moodle tutorials that we have every week where there are activities, videos, links, readings etc. Instead of having it written on paper, the students could navigate a View given to them to enhance their learning experience.

I also loved the convience of adding this blog to our profile!
I now have a much clearer understanding after this week and I am feeling much more confident.


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