Sunday, March 28, 2010

Getting used to WIkis!

I think the Wikis will just take getting used to. I can think of plenty of ideas and I can see the value it can have in schools but before I can use it, I need to get my own head around it!
Some ideas I thought of incuded

Similar to the example video made available to us in Week 4- see bellow (cited by Aldred, S)

Students could be asked to create a "textbook" on whatever topic they were studying. Each sudent could get a chapter and this could be marked as assessment. I thought this idea was fantasic as I thought of all the extensions that could be done as well. Such as adding home made videos or links. This could work really well in my two teaching areas (dance and drama) as examples of whatever the topic was could be posted so the reader can visualise what is being spoken about. (My week 2 ICT incorporation activity for drama could also work great embedded within this "textbook")
The fact that anyone can edit these is also great as it incorporates all involvement including teachers. Editing can also be seen as consistent improvement by seeing what others edited and what they added onto the original.
I think that the idea for posting homework tasks in blogs is also great as it is a bit different and students can customise their own blog. This is a great way for us as teachers to check if they are on track as well.

Courtney Rice

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